Sunday, June 3, 2012

5 Easy Steps to being the Perfect Roommate

Nobody likes a terrible roommate, and I like to think everyone has potential to friend their roommate at some point. But the best way for a friendship (or a better friendship if you already know the person) is to follow 5 easy steps.

5. Clean up after yourself

----- So many less fights are started if the room is clean. If it's not clean and your roommate gets angry at least you can say that it's not your mess. Also, with a cleaner space you will feel calmer and avoid broken/stolen things.

4.  Be Courteous.
---- Don't invite friends over every night, and when you do have people over, make sure it's okay with your roommate.

3. Be Honest.
---- If something's bothering you, tell your roommate. If you don't tell them and you let it bottle up inside of you, then a huge fight is bound to happen.

2. Respect each others space and privacy.
---- Nobody likes other people touching their things or feeling like they have no space in their own home. So keep your boundaries clear and always ask permission if you need to borrow something.

1. Don't eat your Roommate's Heart and Brain out.
---- That's just gross.

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