Wednesday, June 27, 2012

So Here I Go

This week, I'm taking a slight detour in my usual chat about how to talk to different people so I can talk about my trip of a life time. It's finally here, I'm heading off to Ireland for the week.

If I were to describe how I was feeling right now it would probably look like this:
I guess I'm just a jumble of emotions! I feel nervous (this is my first time flying alone, I usually fly with the Spartan Marching Band!!!), I feel tired (I woke up crazy early for absolutely no reason, guess I was just so excited), I feel like I'm being smacked in the face (sitting in this airport right now is making me understand that I'm really going) and I feel EXCITED (I am going to Ireland after all).

But most of all, I think I'm excited, I've been waiting to go on this trip for about 3 months now, something I never would have thought would ever happen.

I'm becoming an adult.

Last night right after getting to the hotel I looked at my mom and said, "Does it make you feel old that I'll be able to drink at the bar with you next year?" She looked at me and said "You already make me feel old because you're going off to another country to visit your boyfriend."

I really am becoming an adult though:
  • I pay my own rent
  • I buy my own groceries
  • I do my own laundry
  • Cook my own food
  • Clean my own house
This is weird....
 So I'm growing up, but I'm really excited!

But keep checking in, the main part of this week will be me telling you about my Irish Adventure and posting pictures :)

Monday, June 18, 2012


Everyone uses it.

Everyone has a love/hate relationship with it.

And Facebook is always trying to come up with something new and exciting, which they don't generally tell anyone about, they just kind of let it happen.

But my story revolves around the messaging/chat feature where it shows when the other person has read your message.

Now in all honesty, I think they are enabling the angry girlfriend. Because now she knows if you're engaged in her conversation or not, now she knows that if she wrote you a message whether you replied or not, etc. etc. Reminds me of the new Justin Bieber Girl meme...

And not only is this feature enabling the angry girlfriend, I fear it's turning us all into the angry girlfriend. Because if you sit back and think, you realize that every time that "seen at..." check mark comes up, you think, well?????

So it's official, because of Facebook we're all becoming the angry girlfriend.

Monday, June 11, 2012

It's Not All About Me

Sometimes, I just want to talk... and talk... and ramble until I'm blue in the face. But in all honesty, no one wants to hear about me all the time.

So sometimes it's better to sit back and listen, or if you're a writer/blogger (like I'm attempting to be) read another writer's blog.

So today, it's not about me, it's about reading Amanda's daily journey (, it's about Justin's exploration of all things creative and fine ( and Taylor's quirky tales of life as a Michigan State Spartan (

Check them out!

Friday, June 8, 2012

I Guess I Don't Believe in Love at First Sight

I am a child of the 90's, therefore I grew up watching the Disney Classics, such as The Little Mermaid and Aladdin. But as I've grown older I realized that there was definitely something wrong in their stories (mind you I'm aware of the many things that are wrong, but I'm going to focus on one). 
Do you remember in Aladdin when he saw Princess Jasmine for the first time in the marketplace? He stared at her all bug-eyed and swore he already loved her? Or Ariel when she stared at Eric on the boat?

Both of them swore they had love at first sight.

I guess I don't believe in love at first sight because I think that that feeling is confused by attraction. I mean let's be honest Jasmine is gorgeous, but he truly loved her after they spent time together on the magic carpet ride. I believe it is the bond that we form with others at random occasions that truly make us know if we love someone.
Now "Love" is a strong word and in current times, it's definitely overused (and I am one of those offenders), but I feel it definitely has different uses. For example: The love you have for your family is probably not the same you have for your significant other or your best friends. But each of them has found a way to make you love them. 

I love my family because they've shown me support for everything I do, right or wrong. They've shown me care and given me more love than I ever could have dreamed. My best friends, because for some reason I've always became friends with them in the most random of forms, maybe just talking at dinner, or one of us scaring the other so bad they ran down the hallway. As for a guy, it wasn't whether or not they were attractive, it was the overall happiness they brought me when I had them in my life.

But all of those things were not "Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, I LOVE YOU", these were "Hey, you took the time to get to know me, and now I love you"

Sunday, June 3, 2012

5 Easy Steps to being the Perfect Roommate

Nobody likes a terrible roommate, and I like to think everyone has potential to friend their roommate at some point. But the best way for a friendship (or a better friendship if you already know the person) is to follow 5 easy steps.

5. Clean up after yourself

----- So many less fights are started if the room is clean. If it's not clean and your roommate gets angry at least you can say that it's not your mess. Also, with a cleaner space you will feel calmer and avoid broken/stolen things.

4.  Be Courteous.
---- Don't invite friends over every night, and when you do have people over, make sure it's okay with your roommate.

3. Be Honest.
---- If something's bothering you, tell your roommate. If you don't tell them and you let it bottle up inside of you, then a huge fight is bound to happen.

2. Respect each others space and privacy.
---- Nobody likes other people touching their things or feeling like they have no space in their own home. So keep your boundaries clear and always ask permission if you need to borrow something.

1. Don't eat your Roommate's Heart and Brain out.
---- That's just gross.